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nuxi prepare

The prepare command creates a .nuxt directory in your application and generates types.
npx nuxi prepare [ROOTDIR] [--dotenv] [--cwd=<directory>] [--logLevel=<silent|info|verbose>] [--envName]

The prepare command creates a .nuxt directory in your application and generates types. This can be useful in a CI environment or as a postinstall command in your package.json.


ROOTDIR="."Specifies the working directory (default: .)


--dotenvPath to .env file to load, relative to the root directory
--cwd=<directory>Specify the working directory, this takes precedence over ROOTDIR (default: .)
--logLevel=<silent|info|verbose>Specify build-time log level
--envNameThe environment to use when resolving configuration overrides (default is production when building, and development when running the dev server)